Last update: 2022-06-22 by Wojtek Pych

This archive contains bias and flatfield corrected CCD images collected at Las Campanas Observatory within the CASE project. At this time only data taken with the 2.5-m du Pont telescope and with the 1.0-m Swope telescope are available. The data may be used by interested researchers for any non-commercial purposes. If you use the CASE data for your research, please include an appropriate acknowledgment.

This work is supported by the grant DEC-2012/05/B/ST9/03931 from the Polish National Center for Science and by NSF grant AST-0507325.

NGC 2243

Data gathered using 2.5 m du Pont telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory

File name HJD Date UT Filter Exposure Time
Airmass Image size
19931231023633ff1573.fits 2449352.612095 1993-12-31 02:36:33 V 10.000 1.107 1014x1023
19931231024232ff1574.fits 2449352.616251 1993-12-31 02:42:32 V 10.120 1.096 1014x1023
19931231025020ff1575.fits 2449352.622304 1993-12-31 02:50:20 V 120.106 1.080 1014x1023
19931231025316ff1576.fits 2449352.624340 1993-12-31 02:53:16 V 120.000 1.076 1014x1023
19931231025621ff1577.fits 2449352.626481 1993-12-31 02:56:21 V 120.000 1.071 1014x1023
19931231025934ff1578.fits 2449352.628715 1993-12-31 02:59:34 V 120.000 1.066 1014x1023
19931231030234ff1579.fits 2449352.630162 1993-12-31 03:02:34 V 10.040 1.063 1014x1023
19931231030341ff1580.fits 2449352.630938 1993-12-31 03:03:41 V 10.016 1.061 1014x1023
19931231030624ff1581.fits 2449352.632870 1993-12-31 03:06:24 B 18.000 1.058 1014x1023
19931231030739ff1582.fits 2449352.633739 1993-12-31 03:07:39 B 18.074 1.056 1014x1023
19931231030916ff1583.fits 2449352.635914 1993-12-31 03:09:16 B 200.018 1.052 1014x1023
19931231031406ff1584.fits 2449352.639271 1993-12-31 03:14:06 B 200.000 1.046 1014x1023
19931231031819ff1585.fits 2449352.642200 1993-12-31 03:18:19 B 200.082 1.041 1014x1023
19931231032233ff1586.fits 2449352.645139 1993-12-31 03:22:33 B 200.000 1.036 1014x1023
19931231032655ff1587.fits 2449352.647118 1993-12-31 03:26:55 B 18.000 1.033 1014x1023
19931231032810ff1588.fits 2449352.647987 1993-12-31 03:28:10 B 18.200 1.032 1014x1023
19931231033023ff1589.fits 2449352.650579 1993-12-31 03:30:23 B 200.010 1.029 1014x1023
19931231033623ff1590.fits 2449352.653634 1993-12-31 03:36:23 I 8.000 1.025 1014x1023
19931231033935ff1591.fits 2449352.655868 1993-12-31 03:39:35 I 10.040 1.022 1014x1023
19931231034058ff1592.fits 2449352.657350 1993-12-31 03:40:58 I 100.002 1.020 1014x1023
19931231034338ff1593.fits 2449352.659202 1993-12-31 03:43:38 I 100.060 1.018 1014x1023
19931231034628ff1594.fits 2449352.661169 1993-12-31 03:46:28 I 100.004 1.016 1014x1023
19931231034914ff1595.fits 2449352.663090 1993-12-31 03:49:14 I 100.026 1.015 1014x1023
19931231035258ff1596.fits 2449352.665162 1993-12-31 03:52:58 I 10.000 1.013 1014x1023
19931231035404ff1597.fits 2449352.665926 1993-12-31 03:54:04 I 10.000 1.012 1014x1023
19940101032635ff1705.fits 2449353.646841 1994-01-01 03:26:35 V 10.052 1.030 1014x1023
19940101033108ff1706.fits 2449353.650001 1994-01-01 03:31:08 V 10.014 1.026 1014x1023
19940101033446ff1707.fits 2449353.652524 1994-01-01 03:34:46 V 10.008 1.023 1014x1023
19940101033641ff1708.fits 2449353.654492 1994-01-01 03:36:41 V 120.040 1.020 1014x1023
19940101033939ff1709.fits 2449353.656552 1994-01-01 03:39:39 V 120.128 1.018 1014x1023
19940101034424ff1710.fits 2449353.659503 1994-01-01 03:44:24 U 60.054 1.015 1014x1023
19940101034819ff1711.fits 2449353.663612 1994-01-01 03:48:19 U 300.060 1.012 1014x1023
19940101035423ff1712.fits 2449353.667825 1994-01-01 03:54:23 U 300.060 1.009 1014x1023
19940101040018ff1713.fits 2449353.671934 1994-01-01 04:00:18 U 300.004 1.006 1014x1023
19940101040621ff1714.fits 2449353.676135 1994-01-01 04:06:21 U 300.010 1.004 1014x1023
19940101041217ff1715.fits 2449353.680256 1994-01-01 04:12:17 U 300.040 1.002 1014x1023
19940101041856ff1716.fits 2449353.683311 1994-01-01 04:18:56 B 30.000 1.002 1014x1023
19940101042032ff1717.fits 2449353.685406 1994-01-01 04:20:32 B 200.000 1.001 1014x1023
19940101042450ff1718.fits 2449353.688392 1994-01-01 04:24:50 B 200.000 1.001 1014x1023

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